YDK Morimoe on Jaapanist pärit kunstnik. Ta elab ja töötab linnas Tokyo. Ta ühendab oma töödes fotograafia, maali ja digitaalsed eriefektid, et luua suurepärase sürrealistliku töö. Elava kujutlusvõimega, salapärane Morimoe on suutnud luua pilte, mis kujutavad noorte sisemaalima. ta kujutab eelkõige oma tundeid piltides.
YDK Morimoe is a Japan-based visual artist who combines photography, painting, and digital special effects to create stunning surrealist works. Armed with a vivid imagination and enigmatic personality, the mysterious Morimoe has been able to create images that look at the fragility of traumatized and abused youth.
YDK Morimoe is a Japan-based visual artist who combines photography, painting, and digital special effects to create stunning surrealist works. Armed with a vivid imagination and enigmatic personality, the mysterious Morimoe has been able to create images that look at the fragility of traumatized and abused youth.
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